Frequently Asked Questions – The Lovely Law Firm Injury Lawyers, South Carolina

Frequently Asked Questions

Common Questions We Get

Will I be compensated for my out of pocket expenses?

I don’t have a doctor, do you have someone you can send me to?

Will my Medicare be Affected?

I had a preexisting condition that was aggravated, can you help?

I was working at the time of the accident, can I file Workers’ Comp?

I don’t have money for a lawyer, how much will this cost me?

Can you help me file for an Employee Retention Tax Credit?

Will I be compensated for my out of pocket expenses?

Any cash outlay after an accident is a real concern for our clients. We understand this financial hardship you are going through. Any out of pockets that we can directly relate to your accident can be recovered. We always tell our clients to keep all of your receipts, whether that be copays, prescription charges, over the counter medication purchases, etc. These small out of pocket expenses add up and can become a large portion of your damages when you are done treating and we prepare your demand package. Please remember that while we can generally get these out of pocket expenses reimbursed via settlement funds, this will not occur until your case is settled. That time frame can sometimes be substantial. Do not delay your treatment because of this issue though. Call us if you have any questions regarding your out of pocket expenses.

I don’t have a doctor, do you have someone you can send me to?

Many of our clients simply do not have a regular doctor to see. Whoever your treating physician is, we want to make sure that you are comfortable with the medical treatment you are receiving and that you are getting the best care available for your car wreck injuries. If you do not have a primary care physician we have a network of doctors in our area who will see you. In fact, we have several to choose from and our clients are satisfied with the bedside manner of these doctors. These physicians know the ins and outs of car wreck claims and can get you feeling better.

Will my Medicare be Affected?

If you are a Medicare recipient and are involved in a car wreck, let us know. Medicare has special rules that we must follow in order for you to get your medical bills paid on time and at the renegotiated Medicare Rates. You will not lose your Medicare after an accident, however if you have a Medicare lien as a result of treatment from an accident and fail to repay the Medicare lien you could lose your coverage for that injured body part. It is a very complex process and our team handles these issues daily. We know the ins and outs of the Medicare system. Do not worry about this issue, let us worry for you. Call us to discuss any Medicare issues you have with your car accident claim.

I had a preexisting condition that was aggravated, can you help?

You still have a claim even if the body part injured in your car wreck is an injury you had in the past. These types of claims are more difficult, however, we know how to work these case types. The insurance company is going to say that your pre existing issue was not caused by the accident. We simply need to show, by medical testimony, that your pre existing injury was aggravated or exacerbated by the new car wreck. One of the ways we accomplish this is by either a doctor’s questionnaire or deposition of your treating physician. We need your doctor to say that to a reasonable degree of medical certainty your pre existing injury was aggravated by the force of impact from the car crash. If we cannot get your doctor to fill out the documentation or testify to what we need, we utilize a third party expert for an independent medical examination to give us an opinion on the aggravation. These are tough issues with a car wreck claim but we understand the ins and out. Review what types ff Work-Related Car Accidents In Myrtle Beach. Give us a call to discuss. 

I was working at the time of the accident, can I file Workers’ Comp?

If you were working during the accident, you may actually have both a liability claim against the at-fault driver and a workers’ compensation claim against your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance policy. We handle both. In South Carolina, you have to handle the workers’ compensation claim first. If you do not file the workers’ compensation claim first, you may lose your right to your workers’ comp benefits under South Carolina’s exclusive remedy rule. We handle both liability claims as well as workers’ comp injury claims in our office, with locations in Florence, SC, and Myrtle Beach, SC, Conway, SC, and Goose Creek, SC. Our attorneys are trained to maximize both types of claims. These cases are advantageous because the workers’ compensation carrier is responsible for paying all of your medical bills. Your workers’ compensation adjuster will place a lien in the third-party case that we must negotiate before settling your case. These are complex matters, and you do not want to jeopardize your rights to benefits. Call us for assistance!

I don’t have money for a lawyer, how much will this cost me?

Typically, our injury claims are handled on a contingency fee at The Lovely Law Firm. That means that we do not get paid one cent until you get paid. We assume the risk. You do not have to pay anything out of pocket. Costs are advanced by the firm and are repaid back at settlement time from settlement funds. If we lose your case, you do not owe attorney fees or costs. There are times when a case makes more sense to run with a flat fee payment structure. In these cases, we are clear and upfront about whether it fits better with a flat fee or contingency fee model so that you can make an informed decision about how to proceed. Ultimately, we are here to help you and don’t want you to worry about coming up with money for your lawyer when possible.

Can you help me file for an Employee Retention Tax Credit?

Our team at the Lovely Law Firm understands how hard it was for businesses across South Carolina to stay open and operating during the 2020 and 2021 pandemics.  Because we have experience with filing for this tax credit made available under the CARES Act – we can help other businesses in the area file for their own Employee Retention Tax Credit. Call us for more information, we can help!


Every case is different. Results vary.