New DUI Law Signed by Governor Haley – The Lovely Law Firm Injury Lawyers, South Carolina

New DUI Law Signed by Governor Haley

A new addition to the South Carolina DUI Code has gone into effect. This new change in the DUI law relates to interlock devices. Known as “Emma’s Law”, first time offenders blowing .15 or higher who are convicted or plead guilty will have to have an ignition interlock device installed on their vehicle for 6 months. A Second DUI conviction, regardless of BAC, will require an ignition interlock device for 2 years, a third DUI, 4 years, and finally a fourth DUI will require lifetime interlock. See WMBF news interview with Myrtle Beach DUI Attorney Justin Lovely here. If you are charged with a Myrtle Beach DUI, Give us a call at 843-839-4111 for a Free Case Evaluation.

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