Letter of Protection Attorney - Pay Medical Bills After an Accident in Myrtle Beach - Lovely Law Firm Injury Lawyers

Letter of Protection – How We Can Help Get Medical Bills Paid After An Accident in Myrtle Beach

Many times, victims do not know what to do after an accident. In many circumstances, victims of car accidents, truck accidents, or slip and fall injuries do not want to seek medical attention because they don’t have health insurance or may not be able to afford the medical attention they need.


letter of protection for medical bills - Lovely Law FirmMany victims put their finances at risk by having their injuries treated by a doctor after an accident because they understand that medical records are the best course of action to receive a fair settlement from the insurance company. That is why one strategy we utilize to help our clients in the state of South Carolina who are victims of motor vehicle accidents is the letter of protection. Obtaining a letter of protection can be the ultimate stress reliever when fighting insurance companies and negligent drivers.


In 2019, there were approximately 140,000 car accidents in South Carolina according to the South Carolina Department of Public Safety (SCDPS). Of those 140,000 accidents, around 58,604 accidents resulted in injuries, which means at least 58,604 individuals had to seek medical treatment after a car accident. Any motor vehicle accident is serious, but when injuries are involved the victim’s life is altered and could put them under financial stress.

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While obtaining a letter of protection can reduce the stress a victim feels as those medical bills pile up, the qualifications and processes can be tricky and confusing. The best way to wade through the rules and processes is to hire an experienced car accident attorney to help. Our experienced and empathetic Myrtle Beach personal injury lawyers at The Lovely Law Firm Injury Lawyers understand the toll that mounting medical bills can have on a victim when going through settlement negotiations. That is why we have the ability to assist our clients in obtaining letters of protection so that they can reduce the amount of stress surrounding their financial situation.


On This Page: What Is A Letter of Protection?, Who Can Obtain A Letter of Protection?, What Does it Cover?, Insurance or Letter of Protection?, How We Can Help, Client Testimonial

What Is A Letter Of Protection?

When an individual sustains injuries in a car, truck, or motorcycle accident, the medical bills can pile up very quickly if the injuries are serious. Many times settlements take a long time to close, as the insurance companies will do anything to draw the process out and avoid paying the victim. Therefore the victim is stuck with a mountain of medical debt, and the fear that they may be paying an immense amount of medical bills while they wait for their settlement. Sometimes, this is just not feasible for the victim, and their financial situation cannot support huge medical bill payments.




That is where a letter of protection may be able to help. A letter of protection is a document that the victim and their personal injury lawyer will fill out and send to the victim’s medical provider. Essentially, the document is a promise to the medical provider that all the victim’s medical bills will be paid once their settlement is received. This is immensely helpful to the victim as they will not have to worry about affording their current bills plus a hefty medical bill, thus reducing the amount of stress surrounding the car accident settlement. A letter of protection can also extend to chiropractors and physical therapy treatments.


A letter of protection ensures the doctor, hospital, or healthcare provider will be compensated once the victim has concluded their personal injury case and received their settlement. A letter of protection can be a lifesaver to individuals who might otherwise not be able to afford the medical treatment they deserve.


Who Can Obtain A Letter Of Protection?

There are some situations where the victim of a car accident is unable to pay for their medical bills, especially after sustaining serious injuries. The average cost for a car accident hospitalization is around $57,000, and that number doesn’t include any surgeries that could be needed. Some of the most common injuries sustained in car accidents that could require surgery can include, but are not limited to:

  • Back Injuries – Injuries to the back after a motor vehicle accident are some of the most common injuries seen. A lot of back injuries require surgical intervention like vertebroplasty and discectomy. Additionally, after a back injury is repaired surgically, the recovery time could take weeks or even months which means the victim will not be able to work for that period of time and may even need skilled nursing care as they recover.
  • Knee Injuries – Even in a minor car accident, the knees can be severely damaged. Many times surgery is needed to repair torn ligaments or broken bones. The recovery time can be significant, which means the victim does not have the ability to return to work right away.
  • Brain Injuries – Unfortunately, brain injuries are often seen as a result of motor vehicle accidents. In some instances, the victim’s brain can swell or build up fluid in the skull after hitting their head during a car accident. These injuries are life-threatening and require extensive surgery to repair and save the victim’s life.


There are many situations that would cause a victim of a motor vehicle accident to be unable to pay for their medical bills before they receive their settlement. However, a letter of protection is only feasible in certain situations – our team of injury lawyers can evaluate your case and give you an honest and thorough answer when it comes to your eligibility for a letter of protection.


Many times, those who obtain a letter of protection are victims of personal injury cases such as:

  • Car Accidents
  • Motorcycle Accidents
  • Commercial Truck Accidents
  • Bus Accidents
  • Slip & Fall Accidents
  • Workplace Accidents


In many cases, victims of these types of accidents will receive substantial medical bills. In today’s society, many people are not financially prepared to pay for hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of medical debt. When a victim comes face to face with this problem, they may need a letter of protection to ensure they will not be held liable for paying any medical bills until they receive their car accident settlement. This letter is essentially a promise of payment to the doctor or hospital stating that once the settlement is received and the case is settled, the victim will pay their medical bills. With a letter of protection, the victim does not need to pay any medical bills out of pocket and ensure that the negligent driver is held legally and financially responsible.

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What Kind Of Medical Bills Does A Letter Of Protection Cover?

A letter of protection does not just cover emergency medical bills. It can cover other medical costs associated with the accident outside of emergency care. In some instances, victims who are injured in a motor vehicle accident will have a recovery period and may need recovery assistance. When serious injuries are sustained or surgical intervention is needed to repair injuries, the recovery time is extended. Therefore the victim may need to go through physical therapy or see a chiropractor regularly in order to heal properly. Thus a letter of protection can extend to physical therapy and chiropractic care beyond hospitalization.


It is important to remember that not all providers accept letters of protection so it is important to find a letter of protection chiropractor or a letter of protection physical therapy provider to ensure that no medical-related bills are due before the settlement negotiations and insurance claim are concluded. Our team can help you connect with the best medical professionals that also will accept a letter of protection in Myrtle Beach, Goose Creek, and across South Carolina.

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Personal Insurance Or Letter Of Protection – Which Should I Use?

In many cases, a victim of a Myrtle Beach motor vehicle accident would use their own health coverage to pay for medical expenses, because that is what health insurance is for. When a victim has adequate healthcare insurance it should cover any medical expenses after an accident. However, not everyone has the ability to obtain a full coverage health insurance policy, therefore many are left with hefty medical expenses that they must pay out of pocket. That is where a letter of protection may be beneficial to the victim.


Insurance companies are also notoriously known for creating complications. This means that they may dispute a certain aspect of the claim, or try to assign a portion of liability to the victim to lower the amount of compensation owed. Additionally, insurance companies can create issues surrounding who is responsible for payment, which will extend the time it takes to receive a settlement or compensation for injuries. When this happens, it’s better to obtain an experienced car accident attorney to help put together a letter of protection so that the victim is not held responsible for paying any medical bill associated with treating their car accident injuries before they receive their settlement.


It is important to remember that a letter of protection does not cover all financial complications of a car accident case, and there is no letter of protection insurance policy that covers expenses outside of medical costs. There are some downsides to obtaining a letter of protection instead of using personal insurance.


If a victim provides a letter of protection to their healthcare provider and then loses their case, they are then legally bound to pay the doctor or hospital the full amount of their treatment costs. Since the letter of protection was in place, the medical bills will not be discounted to an insurance rate, and the victim may be stuck paying more out of pocket.


There is also a risk that the practitioner or hospital may not accept the letter of protection, as some hospitals have policies that prevent letters of protection from being accepted. It is important to keep this in mind when receiving medical treatments, especially when being referred to specialists or diagnostic testing centers. While receiving immediate medical care is important after an accident – we can help ensure ongoing medical care is performed by doctors and facilities that do accept letters of protection for our clients.

We Can Help Get Medical Bills Paid After An Accident

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How An Experienced Personal Injury Attorney Can Help Obtain A Letter Of Protection

In order to fully understand the parameters that surround a letter of protection, and to start the process of creating one, it is essential to have an experienced personal injury lawyer on your side. Our dedicated personal injury lawyers at The Lovely Law Firm Injury Lawyers are well versed in letters of protection and are able to give our clients all the necessary pros and cons surrounding their use. We consult with our clients and inform them of the benefits and downfalls of using a letter of protection, and help them decide the best course of action for their own financial situation and case.


Our firm also knows that letters of protection can be very helpful in settlement cases as they provide the necessary information concerning the victim’s medical treatments associated with the injuries they sustained in the car accident. Having detailed documentation surrounding medical treatment, care, and recovery will benefit our clients in negotiations and court cases, as it will adequately support the claims we make on behalf of our injured clients.


We know that a letter of protection is not always the best course of action, therefore we will always review our client’s case to ensure we have their best interests in mind as we make our recommendations. If it is in the best interest of our client, we can prepare the documents needed to be sent to a healthcare provider to ensure a letter of protection is in place. With a letter of protection, we will provide the reasoning for obtaining a letter of protection and the surrounding circumstances, and then request that any payment be deferred until all legal proceedings are concluded and the settlement is received.


To learn more about letters of protection and discuss what is best for your personal injury case, contact us today by calling 843-281-7205 to see how we may assist you.

We Can Help Get Medical Bills Paid After An Accident

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What A Happy Client Says About Our Accident Injury Lawyers on Google

Sarah Austin and her assistants were awesome. I was not getting a fair hearing form my insurance company who also represented the person who’s fault the accident was. They were so efficient and knowledgeable about everything and made sure I understood the process. In what I considered a timely manner I did receive a settlement ( The most I could get). their Kindness was only exceeded by their excellence of work. I would highly recommend The Lovely Law Firm Injury Lawyers!!!
Elizabeth L.

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