5 Strategies that can Double your Myrtle Beach Motorcycle Accident Insurance Settlement? – The Lovely Law Firm Injury Lawyers, South Carolina

5 Strategies that can Double your Myrtle Beach Motorcycle Accident Insurance Settlement?


If you’re in a motorcycle accident in Myrtle Beach, you need to do all that you can to fight the insurance companies and their computer algorithm that want to pay as little as possible on your claim. Finding the right These things can help raise the value.

  1. Take photos. Take photos of the scene, take photos of your injuries if you have bruises, scars, and cuts. Take photos of the vehicles, take photos of your motorcycle. You cannot have enough photos because photos are worth a thousand words.
  2. Get a diagnosis for every injury you have. I know some of you think “I’m a tough guy… I just worry about my back and neck,” when you might have elbow issues or knee issues. If you don’t get them diagnosed and put in the medical records right to begin with, what happens is the insurance company will say, “You must have gotten hurt somewhere else because when you went to the ER, and you went to your doctor for the first time, you said nothing about your knee getting hurt… and now three weeks later you’re starting to feel the pain in your knee even more.” The deal is – you must document every injury at the beginning of your claim.

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  1. Follow the doctor’s advice. If they send you to therapy, go to therapy. Show up for the appointments on time. Tell the doctor everything that’s going on with you. Do not make light of any injury or any pain. If you have a level 8 pain in your neck, but only a level 4 pain in your knee – tell them all about the knee and the neck, not just the neck.
  2. You’re going to need to hire the appropriate experts. If you have lost wages, or future lost wages, you’re going to need an expert economist. If you own a business, you want an expert to show how your injuries are going to affect your business in the future. If you have a permanent disability, you will want an expert to talk about that and give you a rating. If you have future medical bills, you’re going to need to hire a life care planner that can calculate what it will cost for your future medical expenses. You will also want to hire an accident reconstructionist. These are the types of expert witnesses that will help double your injury claim right from the beginning.
  3. Once you get your settlement, the way to put more money in your pocket is to negotiate down hospital charges, medical expenses, and doctor bills that you incurred and are unpaid – and as lawyers, we do that every day for clients.

Every case is different. Results vary.