11 Things to Ask Your Adjuster | Myrtle Beach Car Accident | Lovely Law Firm

11 Things to Ask an Adjuster Before you Sign Anything After a Myrtle Beach car accident

What to do after an Auto Accident in Myrtle BeachWhen you’re in a car wreck, the insurance company is going to assign an adjuster to assess the damage to your vehicle or for any medical bills you’ve accumulated. They may come to you, or you may have to go to their facility for inspection in or near Myrtle Beach. Many times they will offer you a check on the spot, but signing their release and accepting the check could hinder any efforts to collect money for injuries or time off work. Getting your car fixed is important, but so is making sure you’re taken care of. Here are questions you can ask an adjuster before you sign anything after an accident, it’s important to have all your bases covered, and ensure you know exactly what everything means before you sign. Call us for assistance if you’re not sure or feel hesitant at all!


Checklist of Questions to Ask an Adjuster after a Myrtle Beach Car Accident

Here is a checklist of questions you can ask your adjuster(s) before you sign any paperwork. This can assist you and us in finding a satisfactory outcome to your case!

  1. Ask the insurance company to put in writing the fact that the accident was not your fault and was actually the fault of their insured driver. (If they are not willing to do this, it is because they plan to argue later that it was your fault, either in whole or in part.)
  2. Ask the insurance company for a copy of their insured’s insurance policy, declaration sheet, or something in writing to tell you the policy limits of their insured or in other words, the amount of money that they have available to pay your claim. (Injury victims with serious injuries should have this information provided to them. PERIOD.)
  3. Ask the insurance company for a copy of their insured’s recorded statement. (Most of the time, they will have already taken your recorded statement. If they haven’t yet, they will.) Most insurance companies will take your statement, but they will refuse to let you see or get a copy of the statement taken from their own insured. (Most insurance companies prefer to keep their insured’s statement a secret from you.)
  4. myrtle beach car accidentSome insurance companies will ask you to sign a medical release, so they can collect all of your medical records. Before you sign the medical release, ask for a WRITTEN PROMISE that they will provide you with copies of each and every medical record they collect. By the way, most medical releases are written so broadly that it allows the insurance company the right and privilege to talk to any of your doctors and to get any of your records, even if the records do not pertain to the injury you suffered. Medical releases allow the insurance company to get your medical records all the way back to your birth if they want. Ask the insurance company to restrict the medical release to records pertaining to the accident and see what happens.
  5. Ask the insurance company for copies of any statements they have taken from other witnesses who witnessed the accident and your injury. (We doubt very much if the insurance company wants to share this information with you, but you are entitled to it.)
  6. Ask the insurance company about secondary insurance coverage and if there is an umbrella policy. (Be careful, there might be an umbrella policy out there and the insurance company doesn’t know about it. If they say there is no umbrella policy, be sure to get a signed affidavit from their insured.)
  7. Ask the insurance company for a copy of any medical information or personal information they have obtained about you through computer databases or other sources.
  8. Ask the insurance company if they have obtained any kind of credit information or debt information about you. Some insurance companies know how much money you owe, to whom, and when your next payments are due. They can find out if you are late on your payments and use this information against you. For example, if you are behind on payments, that would be the perfect time for a quick, LOW settlement offer.
  9. Ask the insurance company if they have canvassed your neighborhood asking questions about you and if so, ask who they have talked to and ask for copies of the statements and information collected.
  10. Ask the insurance company if they have conducted any surveillance or investigation on you and then request a copy of any films or photographs or investigative reports they have obtained regarding your injury or you. (We would be surprised if any insurance company would be willing to share this information with you… it’s their secret.)
  11. Ask the insurance company for the amount of the reserve they have set for your case. (We don’t know any insurance company that would share this information with you as it is “top secret.” The reserve is the amount that they believe they owe you. Instead of just paying you the reserve, they would prefer to do a little negotiation.)


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