Lovely Law Firm Blog - Updates on Accident & Criminal Cases

News About Personal Injury & Criminal Law


Monday, April 6th, 2020

We are open during the COVID-19 crisis. However, health and safety are our #1 priority right now, so we will not meet clients at our office. We will hold all meetings virtually via zoom and send documents via email and the Postal Service. Please don’t hesitate to contact us during this time. We are here to help. Each staff member has 100% remote capabilities and we are working cases as fast as we can. The Courts are currently closed. Check … Read more

Life Insurance Disputes

Monday, March 30th, 2020

Life insurance disputes after the loss of a loved one can be among the most difficult things that you might experience. Your family member’s loss can be even harder to handle when it results in financial difficulties. If your loved one had life insurance and accidental death and dismemberment insurance either as private policies or through his or her employment, the policies can provide a vital financial safety net for your family as you struggle to make ends meet. Unfortunately, … Read more

South Carolina Jail and Prison Assault and Death

Saturday, March 14th, 2020

People who are incarcerated in South Carolina lose many rights. However, they do not lose the right to personal safety. Jails and prisons are required to follow state and federal laws about the care of people who are incarcerated. Jails and prisons owe duties of care to inmates, including the duty to protect them from assaults and to not use excessive force against them. Jails and prisons with staff who negligently allow inmates to be assaulted or who intentionally cause … Read more

March 2020 Firm Newsletters

Sunday, March 8th, 2020

Enjoy our newsletters in electronic format. 2 issues this month- General firm news and our Motorcycle edition!

Collapsing Seatback Lawsuits

Monday, March 2nd, 2020

Collapsing Seatback Lawsuits Most consumers believe that their car seats will remain in place and protect them when they are involved in car accidents. Experts have also recommended that parents have their children ride in the backseat of their cars because it is thought to be the safest place. Unfortunately, however, many car manufacturers install poorly designed car seats in the vehicles that they make. When vehicles are struck from the rear, the seatbacks can collapse backward, causing serious injuries … Read more

Belviq Weight Loss Cancer Lawsuits

Friday, February 28th, 2020

Belviq and Belviq XR cancer lawsuits Many people in South Carolina have been prescribed drugs for weight loss. In the past few years, two popular prescription drugs for weight loss included Belviq® and Belviq XR®. Unfortunately, post-clinical studies that were required by the federal Food and Drug Administration revealed that people taking these drugs have a significantly increased risk of cancer. If you have developed a cancerous condition after taking Belviq®, you may have legal rights to recover compensation from … Read more

Zantac Ranitidine Cancer Lawsuits

Friday, November 8th, 2019

Zantac Cancer Lawsuit Update May 2023 Update:WE ARE NO LONGER TAKING ON ZANTAC CASES UPDATED 10-25-2021 Generic Only Use cases are out of the MDL. Studies show the following cancers to have the best causation to brand name Zantac use: Bladder Cancer Liver Cancer Stomach Cancer Pancreatic Lung and Colorectal cancers also show strong causation to Zantac use. Prostate and Breast Cancer, while weaker, also show causation to brand name Zantac use. Zantac cancer litigation is moving fast on several … Read more

Ethicon Circular Stapler Lawsuit

Thursday, November 7th, 2019

Ethicon Circular Stapler Lawsuits may potentially be filed by thousands of people who have undergone surgeries in the past year who are at risk of suffering serious injuries because of malformed staples. Johnson & Johnson was forced to recall thousands of its Ethicon circular staplers this year because of misfirings and malformations of staples that resulted in several deaths and injuries. People who learn that they have been injured because of this defective medical device may be entitled to recover … Read more

Airplane Crash Lawsuits

Tuesday, November 5th, 2019

Airplane Crash Lawsuits are more common than you think. Many people have fears of dying or being injured in plane crashes. Some people visualize aviation accidents as something to fear when they take commercial flights. However, commercial aviation accidents are relatively rare. According to preliminary statistics for 2017, which is the most recent year for which data is available, the National Transportation Safety Board reports that scheduled commercial flights had an accident rate of 0.16 per 100,000 air miles traveled … Read more

November Firm Newsletter

Monday, November 4th, 2019

Click the link below to download a PDF version of our November Carolina Justice Report. In this issue- NY Child Victim’s Act 10 Years of The Lovely Law Firm Last Month’s Community Service Project

Every case is different. Results vary.